to encounter

The River of God's Presence
One night, Jesus caught Jeannine up in the most vivid dream of her life. In this dream, He flew her around the world and revealed how His presence is like the river of God. By contemplating the rivers in Scripture with Him, Jeannine began to understand what happens when we encounter His presence. From Genesis through Revelation, Jesus revealed to her how the rivers in Scripture can metaphorically depict what happens in God’s presence and how Jesus invites us to commune with Him.
Regardless of your experience with God, this book will take you deeper and further in your spiritual life, and you will be more aware of His presence and all that is available to you within it. Studying the river of God will compel you to spend time with Him, where you will find the answers to all the “whats?” and the “whys?” and the “hows?” and the “what-ifs?” you’ve been asking. You will discover in His presence the best inspiration for life.
As you read The River of God’s Presence, you will become more aware of His presence, and you will learn to live from the place of His presence. As this occurs, the beauty of His presence will flow out from your relationship with Him in such a way that it affects every aspect of your life!
30 Days of Prayers & Blessings for Hearing God's Voice
This devotional was specifically written to help readers open their heart to, and grow in their faith for, hearing the voice of God. For each day, the author has written a prayer and blessing grounded in the verse for the day each verse is a foundational verse for understanding and growing in hearing God's voice.
Jesus said in John 10:14 that His sheep hear His voice. As one of His sheep, or as someone who wants to become one of His sheep, may this devotional bless your soul and spirit to hear Him for the first time or to grow beyond your current experience of hearing Him. There is always more!